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Back Squat (Week 1 of 4)
After a few warm up sets complete:
Set 1) 5 x 65%
Set 2) 5 x 75%
Set 3) Max reps at 85%
Set 4) Direkt nach den Max. Reps mit 85% um 20-30% reduzieren und ein weiteres Set ausführen.
EMOM x 15min.
min. 1) 15/12 Cal Row
min. 2) 20 Wall Balls 9/6
min. 3) Max Russian KB Swings 32/24
*Score is KB Swings only
Get as far as possible in 35min…
240m run
70 Double-Unders
240m run
60 Air Squats
240m run
50 Abmat Sit-Ups
240m run
40 American KB Swings 24/16
240m run
30 KB Goblet Squats
240m run
20 Toes-To-Bar
240m run
—> Wer komplett durch ist, fängt von vorn an und tauscht den Lauf gegen 12/9 Cal AAB
Siehe oben.
Push Press (Week 1 of 4 )
After a few warm up sets complete:
Set 1) 5 x 65%
Set 2) 5 x 75%
Set 3) Max reps at 85%
**SUPERSET with;
6-8 HEAVY DB Bent Over Rows (pro Arm)
immediately into;
50 Double Unders/100 Single Unders
For Time:
50-40-30-20-10 Air Squats
25-20-15-10-5 Push Jerks 50/35kg
Cap: 12 Mins
Siehe oben!
Reverse Lunge of Riser (ca. 2 Gummimatten) (Hantel in Back Rack) – 8/Bein
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift – 8/Bein
2 Min Rest
14min. AMRAP:
10/8 Cal Assault Bike
10 Toes To Bar
8 Deadlifts —> steigendes Gewicht, alle 2 Runden um 20/10kg erhöhen
20:00-21:00 Weightlifting
5 Rounds:
1min. of Power Cleans (50, 60, 65, 70, 75%)
1min. of Rest
1min. of Rowing for MAX Cals (Ziel >20/>15)
1min. of Rest
1min. of Bench Press (50, 60, 65, 70, 75%)
1min. of Rest
1min. of Double Under’s (Ziel >60. Min)
1min. of Rest
In Teams of 2:
35min. running clock…
2 Rounds:
50 Cal Assault Bike
50 Pull-Ups
immediately into:
2 Rounds:
50 Wall Balls 9/6
50 Snatches 42,5/30
immediately into:
2 Rounds:
50 Burpees
50 Overhead Squats 42,5/30
immediately into:
50 Curtis P’s 42,5/30
1 Curtis P = 1 Power Clean + 1 Lunge/Bein + 1 Push Press.
Siehe Special!