25.03 – 31.03.19

KW 13


20RM Back Squat

1.) 4min. AMRAP:
25 American KB Swings 24/16kg
15 Burpees
Max 1-arm KB Snatches from the hang
in remaining time.

2.) Same workout, but KB
Clean and Jerks from the
hang in remaining time.

3.) Same workout, but KB
Goblet Squats in
remaining time.

Zwischen den Workouts ist eine Minute Pause, es zählen nur Snatches, Clean and Jerks und Goblet Squats!

Siehe oben.


5 minute running clock…
Max Calories on the assault bike/ski

10 minute running clock…
Find your 1 rep Max Snatch

5 minute running clock…
Max Calories on the rower

10 minute running clock…
Find your 1 rep Max Clean and Jerk

Siehe oben.


Front Rack Lunge
*10 rep max. (5 on each leg, alternating)
Zwischen jedem Satz: 10 Seated Dumbbell Shuolder Press. Ihr habt hier 20 Minuten Zeit!

8min. AMRAP:
8 Hang Power Cleans 50/35kg
8 Front Squats (same bar)

Siehe oben!


AMRAP 12 minutes of:
2 Deadlifts (Heavy as possible)
5 Strict Pull-ups (Kipping Scale)
5 Strict HSPU’s (2 Wall Walks Scale)

Rest 3min.

For time: (Time CAP: 12min.)
100 Air Squats
50 Push Press 50/35kg
100 Air Squats

20:00-21:00 Weightlifting


400m run
120 Double-unders
400m run
100 Wall Balls 9/6kg
400m run
80 Abmat Sit-Ups
400m run
60 Toes-To-Bar
400m run
40 Alt. DB Snatches 22,5/15kg
400m run
20 Handstand Push-Ups
400m run

Time Cap: 40min.


Teams of Two:
35min. to finish…

3 Rounds:
30 Toes to Bar
30 Power Clean and Jerk (42,5/30kg)
30 Wall Balls (9/6kg)

60/40 Cal Assault Bike

2 Rounds:
30 Toes to Bar
30 Power Clean and Jerk (50/35kg)
30 Wall Balls

60/40 Cal Assault Bike

1 Round:
30 Toes to Bar
30 Power Clean and Jerk (60/42,5kg)
30 Wall Balls (Partner in Wall-Sit)

Remainder: max. Burpees


50 Pull-Ups
50 DB Box Step Ups (1×22,5/15kg)
50 Alternating Burpee-Dumbbell Snatches

Cap: 15 Mins